Beauty Business Day Provence Beauty Business Day Provence

Beauty Business Day Provence

27° Edizione

17 Marzo 2024

Pasino Grand – Aix-en-Provence

17 Marzo 2024 - Pasino Grand – Aix-en-Provence

Sito Web

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Beauty Business Day Provence

 A carefully designed 1-day event to guarantee an effective and efficient visit in a friendly environment.

This new concept is designed to encourage the meetings and concrete conversations between brands in the professional beauty sector and beauticians and spa managers leading development project.

Beauty Forum seeks to reply to the brands’ needs to develop in various regions in where their sales force is not yet optimized, in addition to fulfil the beauticians’ expectations to take part in a B2B events in their own region.


In addition to the exhibition area, participants will be able to attend:

•  Live demos

•  Presentation of new products

•  Training sessions

•  Talks with experts 


4 Events

25 Exhibitors

120 Professional visitors 

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